Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Venting. Ergahh... =( .&&. Then Some Pictures. =)

Well hey there.

I'm feeling icky right now and I'm supposed to be sleeping but I really need to vent and get all this crap off of my chest.

I though that writing it down would be the best thing for me.

Usually I can turn it into a poem or something but right now I don't have the time and energy I would just much rather spit it all out -- I don't care if it makes much sense at this point -- and relieve myself of it all.

So, here goes.

School - I really love it, I do, but it just doesn't agree with me all that much lately. I don't get it. I used to get such high marks and then I started high school and it just dropped. I mean I get 70s and such in some classes and some 80s and 90s if I really enjoy the class. But with others like my careers class, I'm totally failing. I really dislike this class, and the teacher. She talks non stop -- like how in the hell are we actually supposed to get work done if you never shut up woman. GOD! -- and she is always asking where I've been if I don't come to school for one day. I mean if I stay off for a week, yeah sure, ask me what's going on, but for one day, leave me alone, I don't have to tell you everything that's going on.

Also, I'm really disappointing myself, I hate to say it but I know that if I get the motivation and just try I know I could pull my grades up and be at the top of the class, but lately I've been so wiped out. I don't know where it's come from, my mother usually says that it's because I'm a teenager and I stay up all night and such, which yeah, some nights is true, but I could get nearly 11 hours of sleep and still feel extremely exhausted.

I honestly wish that I had more time. Just to catch up and make it better for this semester, I've been such a slacker it's horrible and I hate myself for it. But as I've told myself many nights when I sit up thinking about what dumb things I've done that I should just pull myself together and just do it. Work my hardest, what would I be losing if I did. I'd be gaining more than ever and it would definitely help me in the long run for career choices and such.

NEXT! Aha. Time for more complaints. It's about my weight and lack of motivation. I'm so God damned lazy it's insane. More insane than I am, lol. But I have solutions to it, of course. Walking, biking, getting my membership to the gym. Eating better, no junk, take-out etc. It's great that I know what I should do to get in shape and live a better and healthier lifestyle but I'm lacking the motivation -- as I've said many many times. -- I think that it's because I'm trying to impress other people. With my weight, I want to attract the opposite sex -- Hello! Aha! =P -- and I want to feel that confidence my friends seem to have when we go out places. I want to be accepted like other girls are, and I know that I am accepted already, but it's mainly personality with people, you can tell and some people, even close to you, still seem to judge you, and I'm not talking constructive criticism, I mean like totally laking the constructive part and they are just blunt about it. But it's all good. Sometimes when things like that happen it's like a kick in the butt. It's what I need really, just not so rude.

But anyways, on a more positive note, I have some pictures I would like to share. (See above, for some reason I can't get them to go below my text.)
I don't know if they are great but I really do like them.
I love to take pictures, I guess you can call it my hobby. =)
So tell me what you think?!?!?!


jenjerjack said...

Jennifer, Jennifer, where do i start?? First off, you are one of the most beautiful people that i have ever known, and i'm not just saying that because your my daughter, i am saying it because it is true. Your weight will work itself out, and it's not all about weight. You are one beautiful girl!! And not just in looks,(though you have eyes to die for) but yes, in personality. You have the best sense of humour. Being skinny is not the answer to all of your problems. Trust me. There is much more to life. And trust me, if a boy is really really interested in a relationship, personality counts. BIG TIME!! I mean they have to want to hang out with you, not just look at you, ya know??!!
And girly girl..one of these days...you'll find just the right guy for you.You'll see. :0
P.s..as for your grades, that too will work itself out. I know that your a smarty pants, but sometimes there are just more important things on your mind. I understand that. Hell, i've been a teenager. I know that you will figure it all out at some point!!
No worries. Cheer up, be happy.
You are one of the best people i know!! Period!!

Moeffurr said...

Aweh thanks Mummy!
You ROCK!!!
And I get all my good traits from you.
Oh yes..
And maybe dad too. Aha. =P

